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Governance for Schools Joining the Trust

It is expected that Good or Outstanding schools joining the trust would retain their local governing boards and would operate with autonomy whilst schools in an Ofsted Improvement category would undergo a thorough due-diligence process with the Local Governing Board and any necessary support to improve the school would be agreed.  

Local Governing Body 

Governors would be representative of the schools within the trust and follow a structured programme of visits so they can effectively review and monitor the School Improvement Plan. There will be opportunities for governors from the different schools to work together to compare practice adding value to their findings and outcomes.


The Members of the Trust are the guardians of the governance of the Trust. They are responsible for ensuring the Trust complies with all aspects of law and regulation to it, and operates within the requirements set out in the Trust’s Articles of Association, the Academies Financial Handbook and current policy of the Department for Education and Charity Commission.  Functions

  • Members will hold the Directors accountable for ensuring that the trust’s charitable objects (as set out its Articles of Association) are met and that the income and property of the Trust shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects.
  • Members will be responsible for appointing new Members and for appointing Directors as set out in the Trust’s in the Articles of Association.  
  • Members are responsible for the appointment of the Trust’s auditors.  Accountability Accountable to the Secretary of State for Education.  

The Board of Trustees three core functions are as follows:  

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.  
  • Holding the Chief Executive and the Executive Team to account for the educational performance of academies and pupils, and the performance and management of staff.  
  • Overseeing the financial performance of each academy and making sure money is well spent    
  • The Board of Trustees main responsibilities include:  
  • Assessing and managing the principle risks to the Trust  
  • Appointing the CEO and holding them to account for the Trust’s overall performance, and for discharging the role of the Accounting Officer  
  • Ensuring that the Trust operates with prudent financial planning and remains solvent  
  • Monitoring the work of the Local Governing Board  
Trustees’ duties, under the Companies Act 2006, include the following:  
  • Acting within their powers  
  • Promoting the success of the company   Exercising independent judgement  
  • Exercising reasonable care, skill and diligence  
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest  
  • Declaring an interest in proposed transactions or arrangements