Scheme of Delegation
For its Governance to function effectively, ACT Multi Academy Trust has a scheme of delegation which allows for an appropriate degree of delegation at each level to suit the capacity of the Board of Directors and our Local Governing Bodies who operate as a Committee of the Board.
As the same rules and responsibilities apply to Multi Academy Trusts as they do to single academy trust governing bodies, this means that the Trust is responsible for the following within our Academies:
- Admissions
- Staffing
- Finance
- Premises
- Curriculum
- Wellbeing and safeguarding
- Reporting on results (for example to Ofsted)
- Being accountable to the DfE and the EFA for results, finances and management.
Some of these responsibilities are delegated to our Local Governing Committees, however, the ultimate accountability for each area remains with the Board of Directors who will need to report back to the EFSA and any notify the DfE of any changes to the structure.
The Scheme of Delegation is reviewed annually