Work With Us
Why work with us?
When we set up the MAT we were very clear that we were not going to target a set number of schools because, for us, it is about the quality of how we operate rather than focusing on the volume of schools we are working with.
We believe in growing capacity within each school and celebrating their individuality – we have decided that we want to nurture individuality rather than impose a set blueprint on every school that works with us. Each school is unique and that should be celebrated. Where schools want support and advice, then the Trust will ensure that this happens.
One of the underlying foundations of how we operate is that we want to encourage schools and their staff to take risks, embrace when things don’t go according to plan and then evaluate and refine their practice.
No school is perfect, and ACT Multi Academy Trust certainly isn’t, but our key strength is our ability to embrace mistakes and use them as a learning opportunity for improvement.
We believe that operating as a MAT gives us a bright future where we work with a range of people who share similar philosophies.
At ACT, our goal is to create a MAT which links like-minded schools together to create an inspiring learning experience for all children – regardless of which school they attend.
Our driving principle is that we want to work with schools who have an open mindset and are interested in breaking some of the traditional approaches to education. Who are looking to equip their pupils with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to truly be global citizens of the future so that they flourish.
We pride ourselves on innovation, taking risks and operating creatively. It is important that, regardless of Ofsted grades, we work with schools who believe in deviating from the educational norm, embracing innovation, creativity, change and instead choose to be part of a collective team that creates a system that we fully believe in.
What are the benefits of joining our MAT
In order to improve teaching and learning opportunities for all our MAT partners, we strongly believe these are the potential benefits for all those involved in our MAT:
- Sharing of best practice
- Pooling of resources
- Expertise in school improvement
- The pooling of central office and financial services including HR
- Fully facilitated budget planning in liaison with the Headteacher from each school within the MAT
- Asset Management support
- Estates and Facilities Support
- Safeguarding Support
- Strategic IT support including the school website
- Central payroll system
- Increased flexibility for staff and succession planning across the different schools for career progression
- High quality staff development led by specialist staff from within the MAT
- Enrichment opportunities for pupils across the MAT that will positively impact on their outcomes
- Minimising bureaucracy for leaders so they are able to focus on achieving the best outcomes for learners
- School Improvement support to raise standards in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 from SLEs, experienced practitioners and specialist staff